How to Contact Mega Call Center and  The Most Common Questions
How to Contact Mega Call Center and  The Most Common Questions

How to Contact Mega Call Center and  The Most Common Questions: SSSTiktok


In this article we will discuss how to contact Mega call center and what questions are most commonly asked by customers. Indeed, currently there are many banking products that you can choose in Indonesia and adjusted to the needs of individuals or non-individuals.

Bank Mega itself is an Indonesian company inthe form of a limited liability company.  Of course, you already know that Bank Mega is engaged in banking financial services based in Jakarta. Bank Mega has been around since 1992 and is part of CT Corp.

Like the products of banking in general, Bank Mega also has savings products. The savings product also provides transaction services such as transfers, cash withdrawals, balance checks, payments, purchases, shopping and others. Of course, there are also Mega call centers  that are ready to serve customers if there are complaints of criticism or suggestions.

The difference is, you can enjoy various benefits such as shopping promos with debit cards where you can get 5% off when shopping at Transmart. Then there are also other reward programs for customers who are indeed qualified and there are still many promos that are tailored to other events.

Choice of Savings Products from Bank Mega

One of the most common  things that are often asked at Mega call centers is about savings products where usually it is often asked by prospective customers who want to open a savings account. There are indeed several products that you can choose according to your needs, including:

  1. Mega Dana is a connection that is usually used by individual customers where this savings provide a fairly progressive interest rate with an initial deposit of 100 thousand.
  2. Mega Maxi, almost the same as Mega dana only the initial deposit is bigger, which is 1 million
  3. Mega Ultima is a product used to target high-end customers with an initial deposit of 100 million
  4. Mega Forex is a type of savings that requires a medium of storage of funds and transactions in various foreign exchanges.
  5. Mega Plan, this product is a term savings product that can help you to discipline saving for certain purposes such as saving for tourist purposes, property and others.
  6. Mega Berbagi, as the name suggests where you can have special savings for donations such as your savings are channeled to the construction of schools, places of worship and others
  7. Mega Perdana is a savings savings for children with unique character designs in passbooks and ATMs
  8. Bank Mega Syariah savings are savings with Sharia principles and can be for personal and business

Indeed, some people are curious about Bank Mega’s products sothey rarely contact mega call centers for details about these products. Companies in the banking sector do provide a variety of options so you can decide to choose savings according to your needs.

How to Open an Account at Bank Mega?

When you already know the various types of savings, it’s time to choose which type of savings is more recommended. The question that is often asked by prospective customers next is how to open an account where you can actually go directly to the branch office directly.

The requirement to needan account yourself is very easy, you only need to provide one of the identity cards such as ID card, driver’s license or passport, then NPWP, stamp duty 6000 and initial deposit according to the savings product you choose. You also need to attach legal company documents if used for business entities.

After the above requirements are complete, you can come to thenearest Mega Bank branch. Later you are asked to fill out the account opening form in the customer service section. Just follow the instructions, if you have, you will get a debit card accompanied by a passbook.

Many try to contact mega call center because they want to open an account online. Bank Mega does provide online account opening facilities, in the all-digital era, of course, people also want convenience so that bank services supported by internet banking and mobile banking are more popular.

For those of you who want to open an account online, the way is toregister at Mega ATM. Online registration through and activation of One Time password or OTP for financial transactions. So you can choose ways that you think are simpler as needed.

How to Submit An Obstacle or Complaint to a Mega Call Center?

The next question about Bank Mega is what when customers experience problems or want to make complaints about savings products or services? Actually, it is very easy if you want to submit your complaint just visit the official website page of Bank Mega, the details are as follows:

  1. You just need to access the site.
  2. Look for the ‘about us’ option
  3. Click ‘our contact’
  4. Later there is a customer care page and then click on the customer complaint form
  5. Fill in customer complaint data ranging from problem categories, account data including account type, account number, name, address, phone, email and others
  6. Also fill in the details of the complaint such as the date of the nominal incident and the description
  7. Then click submit

In addition to the above methods, you can actually contact the Mega call center or come directly to the nearest branch office so that you can submit a complaint directly. There are also several numbers that can be contacted that allow you to make complaints more easily.

Complaint Number or Call Center of Bank Mega

In addition to coming directly to the nearest branch office or submitting a complaint on the customer complaint form, then you can contact the hotline service. Even on the main page of the site, you can interact with the livechat service at the bottom right of the site view.

You just click the livechat service and then it will be switchedautomatically on the WhatsApp application. So you can chat through the WhatsApp application at 0822 0822 5000.  You can also have a two-way conversation via phone call on 080 4150 0010 for domestic and +62 21 29601600 from abroad.

In addition to the Mega call center, you can also send criticisms, suggestions and complaints via email on Bisa also by contacting social media accounts,  by sending messages or direct messages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts of Bank Mega but make sure that these social media accounts are indeed official accounts of Bank Mega.

As is known, there are currently a lot of fake banking social media accounts that even harm youif you are not careful and careful when submitting complaints or problems that are being faced. Make sure the social media account is an official account, namely Facebook account: BankMegaID, Twitter: BankMegaID, Instagram: BankMegaID.

Bank Mega always prioritizes customer satisfaction so that there are many options that you can choose, if you want to communicate directly with customer service for any inconveniences or complaints you are experiencing. You should contact the Mega call center at the hotline number above so that you can consult directly.

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